Where I've Been: New Job, New Friends, New Me?

Despite being someone who's gone through a lot of change in the past three years, I don't think I handle it all that well. I’m the type who likes to juggle a million things at once, constantly adding more to my plate if I feel like I'm not doing "enough." Then, before I know i…

Back in New York - 1 Month Later

I've been a bit MIA recently and this blog post is long overdue, so here I am! At the very end of April, I decided it was time to head home and conclude my adventures in France in favor of job hunting back home in NY. It wasn't an easy choice, especially since I had to return alone and leav…

We're Engaged! & Future Plans

Hello! I have some news I'd like to share. If you have me on my personal socials you may have seen the photos, but this post is to confirm to everyone that I'm engaged!Guillaume and I have been together for almost 4 years now, and the topic of marriage has come up many times in our relation…

The End of Summer

You may have noticed that blog posts come about once a month these days, and that's been a habit I'm trying to break. Ever since completing my studies back in April, I haven't been blogging as much as I'd like to be, whether it be due to a nightmare internship (more on that in anot…

26 Things I've Learned by 26

July 29th was my 26th birthday, and I reflected on how I could write a meaningful blog post that summarizes my feelings towards this new chapter of my life, so what better way than to look at the past and talk about what I've learned!I was inspired to do this post by many, many others I've…

Post-Thesis Life: Goodbye Dijon

Note: This post was written May 1st, 2023.
Before writing this post, I decided to go back and read my ‘moving to France’ announcement I posted in May 2021. I remember the anxiety I felt about the application process, the excitement I had about possibly living in a new country, and how ready I was to…

Being Real: New Country Sadness and the Importance of Routine

Let's start by saying that there is no 'perfect' place. I've lived in four different countries now, Italy being my fourth, and I have a long list of pros and cons for each of them. At least at this stage in my life, I haven't found the 'perfect location' where I love eve…

So... I've Moved to Italy!

It may have surprised you to see the title of this post, but as of yesterday I'm officially living in Palermo, Sicily and enrolled in school. 
To backtrack a bit, my 2 year Masters program in France requires that I spend one semester abroad during my stay, despite the fact that me being in Franc…