My Favorite Vintage Stores in Paris

Last year, I began to build my vintage wardrobe essentially from scratch. I have dabbled in vintage clothing and fashion history throughout my teens, but never truly had a collection of true vintage clothing, and so with my new years resolution in mind, I explored Paris in the hopes of finding some…

What I Wore to Work as an HR Intern

Hello friends!
I am finally finished with my internship and I thought it would be a fun idea to show you some of the outfits that I wore to the office. This year, one of my resolutions was to start building my dream wardrobe, and by that I meant that I wanted to buy clothes that I've always want…

Wearing RIHOAS in the South of France [Review]

While trying to escape the cold winter weather of Dijon, I spent 10 days in the South of France with my boyfriend and his family. A month before I packed my bags, Rihoas and I were in discussion about doing a collaboration post to show off some of the items from their brand. When I went to their we…

Love Twee Fashion? Here's 5 Brands on ASOS I Recommend

If you've ever seen 'New Girl' starring Zooey Deschanel, you may have found yourself in the position I've been for the past week: googling the fashion of Jessica Day and frantically making Pinterest boards. Her style is fun, quirky, full of colors, and channels whimsical vintage vib…

Autumn/Winter Moodboards for 2021

Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying the change of seasons. 
After spending fall/winter 2020 stuck cuddling up indoors, I feel that 2021 is all about going out there and seeing nature up close, dressing warm and feeling free. 
I wanted to create some boards with some Pinterest images that inspired…