日本語 Memrise Sets for August 2018

I've decided to take the plunge and start dialing and creating my own Memrise sets.  I took a stab at it about a year ago when I tried to make a course for a class I was taking,  but for some reason, I couldn't make my courses look as fancy or nice as the others that were pre-made by users…

Tangorin vs Tatoeba: Best Sites for Japanese Examples

When studying a language, having a plethora of examples is an extremely useful tool for seeing how the word is used.

I have used both Tangorin and Tatoeba in the past when looking for example sentences for new JLPT vocab! I thought it would be fun to compare them, so here we are!

I wanted to make a…

Softly Spoken Study With Me

I really enjoy watching 'Study with me' videos on Youtube, so I decided to try something new and record my own 'Study with me' video on how I like to study Japanese from reading various books. In the past, I wrote a guide on how to study, but I feel like a video articulates it way …

KanjiStudy: The Best App for Studying Kanji?

(As of August 2021 I am currently reworking this post for a new release!)
Today I'll be reviewing the Kanji app that I personally feel is the best app out there for studying Kanji. I'll start off by saying I've gone through a lot of Kanji apps looking for one that suited me, had an aesth…

Beginners Guide to Learning Japanese: The Kana

If you're interested in learning Japanese, but not sure where to start, this is the guide for you! 
I've decided to start a series that can give you the building blocks to starting out in Japanese! In this post, I'll be breaking up the basics of starting to learn how to read and write J…

Studying Japanese via Reading - A Guide

Hey everyone! 
I've been looking into various ways to up my Japanese level, and when I asked around a LOT of people recommended me to spend more time reading. In the past, I've read books up until the 3rd grade level, which basically means I have the reading skill of an 8 year old. To chall…