I'm Going to Grad School -- in France??

Hello, my lovely readers!

I apologize for not being around this past month! I have had to deal with a whirlwind of situations both at work and in my personal life, but I wanted to share some good news that I've been teasing for a while. 
I was accepted to the University of Burgundy located in Dij…

Photostory: Welcoming Spring & Saying Goodbye to a Friend

One week has officially gone by in April, I can't believe it. In a few days I'm hoping to publish a post with some good news that's been in the works for a while, but for today I thought it would be nice to post some of the photos I've taken this past month! The weather is starting …

Deleting Instagram and a Move Towards "No Social Media"

3 days ago, I deleted my Instagram account.One month ago, I deleted the Twitter account I made for this blog. As for why I deleted Instagram, it mostly boiled down to the fact that I barely used it, posting once every 3 months and then closing the app immediately upon upload. I never looked at like…

5 Little Things That Make Me Happy

In an effort to appreciate the little things around me in my familiar home, I thought I'd list 5 things that bring me a bit of joy each day and talk about them a bit. 
The year is wrapping up and snow has covered the ground, I'm staying on my couch and in my bed more than usual to keep warm …

A Snow Day in Quarantine

A day in the snow with my younger sister. We haven't played together outside for a few years now, but quarantine boredom leads you to crave any kind of outside activity. It was really fun. Though the snow wasn't the best for throwing snowballs, despite the massive chunk of snow my sister is…