Officially 25 Years Old

Now that the date officially reads as 'July 29th' (at least here in France), I am happy to announce that I am now 25 years old. 24 year old life has served me well; I've traveled around the world, attempted another language, moved in with my boyfriend, made countless new friends, and le…

VLOG: Our First Date

 Hello everyone~ Finally, I have a new vlog to show you! This was taken ages ago, I think back in late September, but it's been sitting in the vault waiting to be edited and now it's finally done.  The day of we actually recorded quite a bit of content, but a lot of it ended up being shaky, …

Discovering Dijon (Bakery, Darcy Park) VLOG

Video below! 
Hello friends, I am FINALLY back with another vlog! This one has taken quite a while to escape the archives and see the light of day again (I blame constant classes and no time) but it's finally here and I'm so excited to share it!In this vlog I'll walk around Dijon a bit, …

Turning 24

Last year on my 23rd birthday we were all stuck at home, so going out and hitting the town for my 24th was a bit of an adjustment in a lot of ways. An adjustment of trying to feel comfortable in a crowd again, and also an adjustment in finding peace with the path I'm on in my mid 20's. 

I'm Going to Grad School -- in France??

Hello, my lovely readers!

I apologize for not being around this past month! I have had to deal with a whirlwind of situations both at work and in my personal life, but I wanted to share some good news that I've been teasing for a while. 
I was accepted to the University of Burgundy located in Dij…

Photostory: Welcoming Spring & Saying Goodbye to a Friend

One week has officially gone by in April, I can't believe it. In a few days I'm hoping to publish a post with some good news that's been in the works for a while, but for today I thought it would be nice to post some of the photos I've taken this past month! The weather is starting …